Italian food Restaurant in Halong Bay

You can order pasta and pizza in many fast food restaurants and coffee shop around the city. For good pasta and pizza, you should go to some restaurants, which belong to franchise systems and focus on these Italian dishes such as:

    • Pizza Hut: No.2 – 4 Cảng Mới street, Bach Dang ward, Halong city
    • Halo Pizza: two addresses: No.23 Gieng Don road and on Tran Quoc Nghien road, Hong Ha ward, Halong City
    • Pizza Cones: No.94 Gieng Don road, Halong City

To be fair, the quality of pizza and pasta here cannot be compared with the original flavor from Italia or other bigger cities where they have been served many moons ago. However, you can still feel satisfied with basic recipes like Capricciosa, Seafood Bianco or Hawaiian.

Also, cake and coffee, tiramisu and ice-cream (or even gelato) can be found in many bakeries and coffee shops around the city. Cappuccino or café latte is not strange items in menu of many cafés. However, don’t expect too much about flavor as they have been adjusted to match Vietnamese taste buds.