Author: bangbd

Gluten-free food in Halong Bay

Gluten-free diet is a new definition for Vietnamese as wheat and rye are new plants in Vietnam. Moreover, Vietnamese doesn’t have habit to eat these kinds of cereals in their daily meals.

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Chinese food in Halong Bay

If you ask a Vietnamese about Chinese food, most people will mention Peking Duck (Vịt Quay Bắc Kinh) first. You can be easy to buy Peking Duck in many crowd areas from Peking Duck stores, local markets, or supermarkets. You can also easily found a bowl of Wheat Wontons (Mỳ Vằn Thắn) or Dumpling (Sủi Cảo) on street. But they are just some common dishes with slightly different taste. If you wish to have a genuine taste and wider menu, keep reading this article for more suggestions. 

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Vegeterian food in Halong Bay

Aside from living in a country where Buddhism dominates, many Vietnamese people these days are keen on low-carb dieting so vegetarian food is easy to find with many excellent dishes. Hence, vegetarian food restaurant now is in trend, especially in urban and crowded areas. 

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The Au Co Cruise

Taking its name from the legendary young fairy –considered the Great Mother of Vietnamese, Au Co Cruise is among the most luxurious cruise ships operating in Halong Bay. The French architects have worked hard to give Au Co a beautiful fusion between Western and Eastern style, embedded in every single detail of the vessel’s interior and exterior details.

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List of cinemas in Halong Bay

99.99% of tourists visiting Halong Bay do cruise tour to enjoy the extraordinary scenery of the Bay. Not many people know that there are plenty activities to do on land. You can find many good restaurants, cafés, bars, clubs and shopping centers in Halong City. Even if you want to go to the cinema, there are plenty of choices available for you.

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