Distance from Halong Bay to Noi Bai Airport

  • Distance from Tuan Chau Marina to Noi Bai Airport: 148 km
  • Distance from Bai Chay Marina to Noi Bai Airport: 152 km
  • Distance from Hon Gai Marina to Noi Bai Airport: 156 km

Duration from Halong Bay to Noi Bai Airport

Duration depends on which kind of transportation you choose. If you go by car or bus, it takes you around 4 – 5 hours. If you go with helicopter or seaplane, it takes you 30 minutes – 1 hour on flight. Below is the detail information:

1/ Local bus from Halong Bay to Noi Bai Airport

Local bus from Halong Bay to Noi Bai Airport can be terrible experience for first time traveler, but may be good way to save money and popular for local people. You can easily catch a bus head to Hanoi (to My Dinh station or Luong Yen station) at Bai Chay bus station. It won’t drop you off right at Noi Bai Airport, but at the three way intersection Bac Ninh – Noi Bai and from there hop on a taxi to reach your destination (around 25 km).

  • Schedule: from 6.00 am to 6.00 pm, leaving every 30 minutes
  • Duration: 4-5 hours 
  • Pick-up point: Bai Chay Station
  • Recommended operators: Phuc Xuyen, Kumho Viet Thanh, Hoang Long
  • Drop-off point: Intersection Bac Ninh – Noi Bai Airport 
  • Ticket price: 5 USD/person

2/ Tour Bus from Halong Bay to Noi Bai Airport

Tour bus should be recommended if you are not familiar with traveling alone. The disadvantage of this transportation is that is costs a little bit higher than local bus, but indeed faster and more comfortable.

  • Schedule: according to your tour schedule. Normally, if you join a cruise tour, the buses will head back to Hanoi at 11.00 am.
  • Duration: 3-4 hours
  • Pick-up point: Tuan Chau Marina, Hon Gai Harbor, your Halong hotel
  • Drop-off point: Intersection Noi Bai Airport – Bac Ninh
  • One way fee per person: 15 USD – 20 USD/person (on shared bus of 16 seats, serving up to 8 people per vehicle)

From drop-off point, you have 2 options. You can take taxi to go to Noi Bai airport, and then you will pay by meter. Or, you can pre-book with the same tour operator a private car which takes you from the intersection to the airport with the preference price as following:

Bac Ninh – Noi Bai intersection
 4-seat  7-seat  16-seat
 ~23 USD  ~25 USD  ~28 USD