
Weather in Halong Bay

Even though Halong Bay is in Northern Vietnam, it has typical coastal tropical weather with two main seasons all year round. One season is hot and humid with sun and intermittent showers. The other is cool and dry with cloud and possible drizzle which could last for a few weeks. The hot season usually last from April to September, which is summertime in Northern Vietnam. The average temperature during this season is around 34oC with highest temperature recorded 38oC. However, the surrounding mountains and islets help reducing the heat considerably. As a closed-sea area, Halong Bay is not usually affected by storm. But there are a few during July and August, so you should prepare yourself if you book a cruise tour in Halong Bay during this period. Sporadic rain should also be expected for this season. From October to March (winter in Northern Vietnam) is the cool and dry season. And, there are a few months when you may experience chilly wind and biting cold with temperature possibly going down to as low as 5oC. One downside of traveling during this season is its lack of sunshine and blue sky. Also, during January or February there might be lengthening drizzle which makes the weather all the more depressing in the North. Normally, the time between October to early December and during March the weather is pretty clear and cool for visiting this beautiful bay. This period is also the high season for foreign tourists in Halong Bay.